Fair work in the digital age!
WHow can you have a say in algorithmic management and, above all, what steps does it take to enforce them? The platform economy is reflected in more and more areas of work. Trade unions are required to develop legal frameworks in the so-called gig economy so that significant trade union achievements do not fall under the wheels of exploitative business models.
The conference is also the final conference of the “DidaNet — Digital Danube Network” project. Over the past two years, we have worked intensively on the topics of digitization and platform work, in Austria in particular with the situation of riders, i.e. colleagues from platform-based food delivery services. The conference will be attended by co-international trade union secretaries from the project partner countries Slovenia, Serbia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, as well as Ludovic Voet, political secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
Food and drinks will be available throughout the day. To celebrate and round off the day, there will be a cozy afterglow! This offers the opportunity for trade union networking in a relaxed atmosphere.
Dear participants! Due to the current Covid situation, we are obliged to carry out a 3G check (vaccinated, recovered, tested) upon admission. Please note the current validity period of the test. We would also like to point out that an MNS or FFP2 mask must be worn in general areas of the Catamaran and that sufficient distance must be kept. In addition, there is no mask requirement in the event room for the time being, which is why we also ask recovery and vaccinated people to carry out a test in advance if possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
09:15 - DidaNet - Digital Danube Network: Project content, project goals and activities
09:30 - Developments in the area of digitization from partner countries - Serbia, Slovenia, Moldova and Ukraine (project activities and challenges)
10:15 - Welcoming ÖGB Vice President Korinna Schumann
10:30 - Q&A to partner countries
11:00 - coffee break
11:20 - Networking in the digital age: Riders Collective, ÖGB International Department
11:50 - Presentation Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Gruber-Risak: Classification of labor law
12:20 - Q&A, labor law in the platform economy
12:30 - lunch
13:30 - Franz Morales, trade unionist (CCOO) and activist; Suzana Bravo, lawyer (UGT) — Spain's “Rider Law” as a model for the platform economy?
14:30 - Presentation of the EU Directive on Platform Work, ETUC Confederal Secretary Mr. Ludovic Voet
14:45 - Q&A, EU Platform Work Directive
15:00 - Digitalization of Work - Trade Union Perspectives and Criticism, Panel Discussion
16:30 - Q&A panel
17:00 - “Conclusion”
19.00 - Open air film screening (Old WU - Pride)
DDigital transformation is one of the most significant developments of the 21st century. While economic operators from all sectors invest in modernizing work processes, workers are coming under increasing pressure and are confronted with a lack of low-threshold retraining or continuing education opportunities. As a result, the international department of the Austrian Trade Union Confederation focuses on transnational solidarity and, in the form of project cooperation, sets the course for the necessary involvement of working people.
Digitalization is also increasingly influencing our social living conditions and economic working conditions, with the effects being as diverse as the occupations themselves. For example, there are some who benefit from new, flexible forms of work and can thus sustainably secure their livelihood. Others, on the other hand, experience the resulting rationalization as a burden due to new technical possibilities. The increasing number of incidents of discrimination caused by algorithms is also proving to be a modern problem that needs to be overcome. Social security is increasingly denied, contributions are being reduced in some countries, as a result, workers are coming under pressure. The DidaNet project is therefore dedicated to the topic of digitization in connection with the challenges and opportunities on the labor market resulting from development. Particularly in the project partner countries, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovenia and the western regions of Ukraine, Transcarpathia, Chernivtsi Oblast and Ivano-Frankivsk, people are increasingly confronted with the consequences of brain drain. As a result of these developments, the so-called “digital precariat” is emerging. A growing group of affected people is working on online platforms. These, in turn, unintentionally avoid traditional employment contracts through various forms of bogus self-employment. It is the task of the main players in the labour market to evaluate the individual demands of disadvantaged people and to implement two elementary social pillars across the board: fair living and working conditions for all people in the region.
Digitalization of Work — Perspectives and Criticism

DIgitalizing work as a desire to facilitate and streamline work is also a challenge for workers and their interest groups such as trade unions and the Chamber of Labour. The most visible development in recent years is food delivery, which is organized via globally active platforms. However, location-independent activities (such as graphics, text, programming, etc.) are also increasingly organized via digital platforms. Based on contributions from practice (Slovenia, Serbia, Ukraine (tbc) and Austria), the latest developments in the area of advocacy and defense or establishment of minimum employment law standards are presented and can be discussed with local experts. Based on practical examples, it will be discussed how trade unions and the Chamber of Labour, workers' interest groups, can help shape the digital transformation and what challenges this poses. Work processes are increasingly being organized using algorithms, employees only perceive their superiors as an app — how should exchange and participation work in a working world geared towards individualization and rationalization, how can works councils get involved and how can “digital solidarity” be shaped? How can precariat, often resulting from weak negotiation, be prevented and how can vulnerable (often migrant) groups be reached? Technical progress must be directed in ways that are beneficial to the general good, which requires appropriate strategies, the principles of which are to be discussed this afternoon with experts from science and practice.
Christian Berger, AK Wien (Economic Policy Officer) — on how the platform economy and its business models work.
Timo Daum, physicist, university lecturer and author — on the role of artificial intelligence and algorithms in digital capitalism (DIGITALLY SWITCHED ON).
Gabriele Michalitsch, University of Vienna — Perspectives on work and capitalism as “highly controlled, demarcated and precarious.”
Robert Walasinski, International Department ÖGB, Riders Collective (advocacy group for bicycle delivery companies).
Flavia Matei, ig24.at (representation of interests for 24-hour supervisors).
EVENT FOR ALL BIKE BOTS: -Women with free food & drinks all day long!

IIn cooperation with Riders Collective, Althangrund für alle, Fasanghettogasse.
All “Riders” are cordially invited!
Location: Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien, Austria - old WU
On 30.09.2021 at 7pm: Film screening “Pride”
On 01.10.2021 at 4pm: GET TOGETHER.
+ come at 16:00, get your spokes card and a manifest, Alleycat will start no later than 17:30
+ after party from 20:00 @alte WU & FLEX
+ absurd and nice prices
+ free food and drinks.
Sounds all so nice, what's the occasion? Because the Riders Collective is celebrating unity and friendship among bike messengers and ongoing progress in the fight for fair working conditions in platform-based delivery service. Stay tuned, get involved, spread the word, join the ride!
What is an Alleycat?
An Alleycat is a race through the city designed by and for bicycle couriers. At the start, the participants receive a “manifest” with rules and checkpoints, where there are sometimes some challenges to do. Normally, the one who has finished all the checkpoints first is the winner.
//Event is organized by Riders Collective and Fasangetthogasse with 4lthangrund. Partners are “öh.akbild” and “Institute for Arts and Cultural Studies of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna” .Meetings are following current COVID-19 regulations. All events are free of charge and barrier free. The following applies to us: 3-G rule: Come vaccinated, recovered or tested. Use one of the many free of charge test possibilities before coming.